My name is Alexandra and I am the mother of one darling little boy, 'L', the wife of an enthusiastic linguist/future teacher, and the daughter of a passionate fiber artist and an eloquent writer. I suppose you could say a love of 'crafting' or 'making' runs in the family, whether it be with fiber, flour, or words.
Making and learning is what it is all about. In this place, I share my sewing and knitting experiences, although an occasional note on baking may creep in. Most of my crafting is garment based and is made for my growing boy but I'm working towards making more garments for myself and my husband.
I learned to knit as a child beside my talented mother but it wasn't until December 2011, during the first few months of pregnancy, that I became a 'knitter'. My knitting needles have been clicking incessantly since. I received my sewing machine (Singer 8280) as a birthday present in 2012. I had practically no prior sewing experience and since my owner's manual was in German (I unfortunately know but a few words of German), the learning curve, I can assure you, was quite high. (I recently got a version of the manual in English. Oh, so that's what they were trying to explain with that drawing!) Despite initial difficulties, I was equally hooked and the peaceful hum of my machine has become a part of the daily sound-scape of our lives.
I hope you'll enjoy your time here, dear reader! Please, feel free to share your experiences, thoughts, and questions. I love to learn and I am eager to exchange with others.
You can contact me at audreymakes[at]
Happy knitting, sewing, crafting!
Alexandra Audrey
A note on language: Although we live in France and French is technically my mother tongue, having spent much time in the United States, I find that I am able to more accurately express myself through writing in English. But some French may pop up now and then!