Yarn: De Rerum Natura, Gilliatt (2 skeins) in colorway Poivre
Needles: US 8 for body and US 6 for ribbing
Notions: 4 buttons
I had originally bought this yarn last year for a matching hat and cowl that would both go with the adult version of the same sweater, Lucky (me), that I had knit myself. (They're all in the e-book Emmitouflages) That plan fell through when I finally admitted to myself that I don't really like to wear hats and I prefer to wear cloth scarves to knit ones. So, what better than to use this yarn for my baby boy and I had just enough!

I'm not sure exactly why (probably just me), but when it came time to knit the bottom rib, the rib was off by 2 stitches and didn't line up with the knits flowing into the knits and the purls flowing into the purls on one part of the back central panel, so I decreased a bit to help fix that. No sweat.
I chose some simple 4-hole metal buttons. I wanted them to be sturdy and blend into the garment. The cardigan looks great on him and I find it kind of funny that we have versions of the same one. The sleeves are a little long so he has some growing room...although that adorable little belly of his (I can't resist tickling and kissing it), is definitely stretching the sweater when he sits down.
During this project, L would refuse to let me try it on him while it was unfinished so I wondered if he didn't like it. However, once I had put the final button on he grabbed it and tried to put it on. So, he does like it after all! He also picked up my knitting needles when he thought I wasn't looking and tried clicking them together to knit! It was so sweet!

This is such a cute little sweater. And how sweet that he tried knitting!
ReplyDeleteThank you! It was adorable to see him try to knit. He looked so serious. I wish I had gotten a picture! I'd like to teach him to knit once he's a bit older...sewing too for that matter.
DeleteSuch a great sweater, you are a fantastic knitter. I tried my hand at knitting. I think I like the faster pace of sewing better, but this inspires me!
ReplyDeleteOh, thank you for your compliments, Anne! I completely understand what you mean about liking the faster pace of sewing better. For a while, I would go back and forth between liking one craft better than the other, but I think I've now reached a point where I find them to be really complimentary and enjoy their differences.